공연 > Listening Brahms! Seoul Metropolitan Youth Orchestra

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공연 > Listening Brahms! Seoul Metropolitan Youth Orchestra


공연명Listening Brahms! Seoul Metropolitan Youth Orchestra
시간pm 5
티켓정보S seats - 20,000won
A seats - 10,000won
프로그램 정보


출연진 소개


 Brahms and Mozart interpreted by the next-generation musicians, Listening Brahms! The most brightest and beautiful music of Brahms, the 2nd symphony, is played at M Theater of Sejong Center for the Performing Arts on September 24th. A series of Brahms’ symphony is introduced from the year 2011 by Seoul Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, followed by its concert on Beethoven’s symphony conducted for the last three years since 2008. In particular, this time, Na Woo-cheol(2nd grader of Yewon School), a music prodigy, will play Mozart’s 20th piano symphony, making the concert more fresh and attractive.  
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